Sunday, 31 January 2016

Dorset home.

Ben Pentreath’s inspiration blog.
Ben Pentreath is co-founder, with Bridie Hall, of Pentreath & Hall, one of London’s most distinctive interiors and decoration shops.
Ben Pentreath’s book English Decoration, published in 2011.

- Why I rent and would never buy -
I live, part of the time, in a village in Dorset (deep in the west of England) where no one owns their own home: an estate village, where every house is tenanted. The entire place consists of about 30 cottages and farmhouses. The smaller cottages are thatched, the larger houses are pure Regency; there is a beautiful lake by our landlord’s splendid Gothic-revival country pile, and a magical walled garden. The whole place could have been conceived by the artist Rex Whistler: it is a dream world.

- How marriage changed designer’s view of his own home decor -
Ben Pentreath, architectural designer to royalty, has a new husband (Charlie McCormick) with very different ideas about interiors.

- An English Garden for All Seasons - The New York Times
In Dorset, Charlie McCormick has created an embroidered tapestry of blooms that lasts well into fall.

- Ben Pentreath Inspiration blog

Saturday, 2 January 2016

A cottage in the Catskills.

Un cottage dans les Catskills | PLANETE DECO a homes world

The Catskills are a mountainous region north of New York and that is where Tara Mangini and Percy Brightthe brilliant duo of Jersey Ice Cream Co have renovated and decorated this cottage of the 19th century in the Hudson Valley.