Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Wall bed project.

Wall bed project - an album on Flickr:
"Overall cost: £280 (without the mattress) made up of £180 for the wood and £100 for the hardware (metal work/hinges/latches/screws)."
Day 7: The bed up against the wall with it's foot and beams folded back too
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Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Огород. Сарай.

Wooden pallets can be reassembled into a number of different structures, such as this charming potting shed.

Read more:

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Remodelling a Victorian cottage.

Remodelling a Victorian cottage | Real Homes: "Fact file The owners: Rebecca Sturrock, a lighting and interior products designer, and her fiancé Gregory Kewish, an architect, live here with their twins Billie and Ava, three The property: A four-bedroom, mid-terrace fisherman’s cottage, built in the 19th century The location: Padstow, Cornwall What they spent: The couple bought the property for £275,000 in 2010 and have spent around £75,000 remodelling and renovating it. The house has recently been valued at around £395,000"

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Thursday, 17 July 2014


Une maison pleine de jaune et de graphisme | PLANETE DECO a homes world:
House in Arboga.

Small summer paradise.

Petit paradis d'été | PLANETE DECO a homes world:
This is the famous designer Tine Kjeldsen more known as Tine K, and her mother Karen, florist,  who possess this small summer house only 65m ², located in North Zealand in Denmark.
Simple house where gather with family, it lands in a paradise of greenery and serenity.
Photographer Iben Ahlberg. 'via Blog this'

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

В моем английском садике. (Великобритания)

Самосеющиеся цветы.

Купила и посадила 2 куста редкой здесь ягоды - "Жимолость камчатская".

8 Rot-Resistant Woods for Your Outdoor Projects

8 Rot-Resistant Woods for Your Outdoor Projects: "Raised beds."

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Самосеющиеся цветы.

Chelsea Flower Show Magic:
Кликать по треугольникам-просмотреть галерею фотографий.

'Манже́тка мя́гкая ( Alchemilla mollis)
Лук Христофа (Allium cristophii)
Водосбо́р, или О́рлик, или Аквиле́гия ( Aquilégia)
Молоча́й (Euphórbia)
Синеголо́вник, или Эрингиум (Erýngium)
Фе́нхель обыкнове́нный (Foenículum vulgáre) (Foeniculum vulgare ‘Purpureum’)
Наперстя́нка пурпу́рная, или пурпу́ровая, или кра́сная (Digitális purpúrea)
Вербе́на буэнос-а́йресская (Verbena bonariensis)
Купы́рь лесно́й (Anthríscus sylvéstris) 

Дождевая вода.

Огород в саду.

Кликать по треугольникам-просмотреть галерею фотографий.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

DIY: Shower bombs.

DIY: Shower bombs - Babes in Boyland - Babes in Boyland:
DIY: Shows Bomb
about 10 pc

5 cans bicarbonate
essential oils

Mix bicarbonate and water to a thick mass . Pour the batter into the molds. Use muffin cups or permanent molds. Place the molds on a baking sheet and place in the oven at 175 degrees for 20-30 minutes. They will was through dry and tough when they are ready. Let cool , then drip over your chosen oils. Suffice it 2-3 drops of each shower bomb. Keep shower bombs in a glass jar with lid (some oils may smell very strong) .

Essential oils
Essential oils are plant extracts from flowers, leaves , trees and roots that have been used for thousands of years . They affect our body with its herbal qualities and our emotional states with their scent . Remember that essential oils are concentrates. They are flammable , should not come in contact with the eyes and should be kept away from children . The oils we chose to shower bombs were:

Opens the airways . Prevents and relieves colds. Expectorants and luftanticeptisk . Seems bracing and supports concentration.

Soothing and healing. Can be used for wound cleansing , burns , blemishes, insect bites, itching , swelling , muscle , headaches and sleep problems.

Uplifting , liberating and balancing . Good for stress and depression. For smoothing of space and body .
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